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2-2-25 MORNING PRAISE POWER IN THE WORD_A Living Hope In The Midst Of Chaos

2-2-25 MORNING PRAISE POWER IN THE WORD_A Living Hope In The Midst Of Chaos

We are excited to continue our new series, “A LIVING HOPE IN THE MIDST OF CHAOS: 1 & 2 Peter,” on Sunday, February 2nd, at 8:15 AM on MORNING PRAISE: POWER IN THE WORD. This week, we will focus on 1 Peter 1:5-9, a powerful passage that reminds us that our faith is being refined through trials, and our hope is secure in Jesus Christ. Peter encourages believers to stand firm, knowing that we are “kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time” (1 Peter 1:5). Even though we may face various trials, these difficulties serve a greater purpose—testing and refining our faith like gold in the fire (v.7). Our trials are temporary, but the reward is eternal. They prepare us for the “praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” Though we may not see Him physically, we love Him, believe in Him, and rejoice with “joy inexpressible and full of glory” because we know the victory has already been won through Christ (v.8). This passage is a powerful reminder that no matter what storms we face, we are not fighting for victory—we are fighting from victory. The war has already been won through Jesus Christ! The pain, suffering, and trials of this world will not last forever, but the salvation of our souls is eternal (v.9). If you’ve been feeling weary or overwhelmed by the challenges of life, this message is for you. Join Pastor Anthony Mills as he unpacks the richness of these verses and encourages us to stand firm in faith, knowing that our trials are temporary, but our hope is everlasting. Don’t miss this life-giving word on Sunday, February 2nd, at 8:15 AM on MORNING PRAISE: POWER IN THE WORD. Invite a friend, share this post, and let’s grow together in the hope and strength that only Christ can give! #MorningPraise #PowerInTheWord #LivingHope #1Peter #FaithRefined #VictoryInChrist
2-2-25 MORNING PRAISE POWER IN THE WORD_A Living Hope In The Midst Of Chaos

2-2-25 MORNING PRAISE POWER IN THE WORD_A Living Hope In The Midst Of Chaos

We are excited to continue our new series, “A LIVING HOPE IN THE MIDST OF CHAOS: 1 & 2 Peter,” on Sunday, February 2nd, at 8:15 AM on MORNING PRAISE: POWER IN THE WORD. This week, we will focus on 1 Peter 1:5-9, a powerful passage that reminds us that our faith is being refined through trials, and our hope is secure in Jesus Christ. Peter encourages believers to stand firm, knowing that we are “kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time” (1 Peter 1:5). Even though we may face various trials, these difficulties serve a greater purpose—testing and refining our faith like gold in the fire (v.7). Our trials are temporary, but the reward is eternal. They prepare us for the “praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” Though we may not see Him physically, we love Him, believe in Him, and rejoice with “joy inexpressible and full of glory” because we know the victory has already been won through Christ (v.8). This passage is a powerful reminder that no matter what storms we face, we are not fighting for victory—we are fighting from victory. The war has already been won through Jesus Christ! The pain, suffering, and trials of this world will not last forever, but the salvation of our souls is eternal (v.9). If you’ve been feeling weary or overwhelmed by the challenges of life, this message is for you. Join Pastor Anthony Mills as he unpacks the richness of these verses and encourages us to stand firm in faith, knowing that our trials are temporary, but our hope is everlasting. Don’t miss this life-giving word on Sunday, February 2nd, at 8:15 AM on MORNING PRAISE: POWER IN THE WORD. Invite a friend, share this post, and let’s grow together in the hope and strength that only Christ can give! #MorningPraise #PowerInTheWord #LivingHope #1Peter #FaithRefined #VictoryInChrist

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2-2-25 MORNING PRAISE POWER IN THE WORD_A Living Hope In The Midst Of Chaos

2-2-25 MORNING PRAISE POWER IN THE WORD_A Living Hope In The Midst Of Chaos

We are excited to continue our new series, “A LIVING HOPE IN THE MIDST OF CHAOS: 1 & 2 Peter,” on Sunday, February 2nd, at 8:15 AM on MORNING PRAISE: POWER IN THE WORD. This week, we will focus on 1 Peter 1:5-9, a powerful passage that reminds us that our faith is being refined through trials, and our hope is secure in Jesus Christ. Peter encourages believers to stand firm, knowing that we are “kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time” (1 Peter 1:5). Even though we may face various trials, these difficulties serve a greater purpose—testing and refining our faith like gold in the fire (v.7). Our trials are temporary, but the reward is eternal. They prepare us for the “praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” Though we may not see Him physically, we love Him, believe in Him, and rejoice with “joy inexpressible and full of glory” because we know the victory has already been won through Christ (v.8). This passage is a powerful reminder that no matter what storms we face, we are not fighting for victory—we are fighting from victory. The war has already been won through Jesus Christ! The pain, suffering, and trials of this world will not last forever, but the salvation of our souls is eternal (v.9). If you’ve been feeling weary or overwhelmed by the challenges of life, this message is for you. Join Pastor Anthony Mills as he unpacks the richness of these verses and encourages us to stand firm in faith, knowing that our trials are temporary, but our hope is everlasting. Don’t miss this life-giving word on Sunday, February 2nd, at 8:15 AM on MORNING PRAISE: POWER IN THE WORD. Invite a friend, share this post, and let’s grow together in the hope and strength that only Christ can give! #MorningPraise #PowerInTheWord #LivingHope #1Peter #FaithRefined #VictoryInChrist

2020 by Anointed Vessels Music Group @ 4His Glory Ministry, LLC

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